2018 Reece’s Rainbow Recipient

 I want to share this beautiful little girl with you but first I have an incredible background story about how this came to be.   I shared Ryker’s picture earlier this week. Last year, as the amaZing3.21k race was approaching, I happened to come across his family doing a fundraiser for his adoption.  At the time I hadn’t intended to donate to Reece’s Rainbow, but after seeing his adorable face and realizing he was the same age as Zeke, wee chose to donate part of the money  for his adoption.  

A couple months ago as I was beginning planning for this year’s race, I knew I wanted to find another child that we could donate to. I spent one afternoon paging through 100’s of photos of orphans from all over the world waiting for a family. I debated how I would ever choose a child to donate to for this year. Do I try to find someone close to Zeke’s age again? Do I try to find someone with his same name? Do I choose a boy? A girl? From a specific country? Feeling completely lost and overwhelmed, I closed my computer certain that there was no way I could ever choose.

Shortly after (I’m talking less than 30 minutes later) there was a knock at our door. It was my awesome next door neighbor, Shelli and her daughter. Now it may not seem unique that my next door neighbor would be knocking at my door, however it’s Utah and it was wintertime and I hadn’t seen them in months because we all tend to stay inside during the cold. Our typical communication consists of texting each other to send one or the other’s boys home. So I was surprised to see them. They were there to find out if they could play with Zeke. “Of course!” I said and we proceeded to catch up on my family room floor while playing with Zeke.

A few minutes into their visit, Myah asked, “Mom, did you tell Heather about Amanda?” Shelli, recalling, told me of her sweet friend who was beginning the adoption process to adopt a little girl with Down syndrome from China. I immediately got chills. They had no idea I had just been looking. I inquired if it was through Reece’s Rainbow. Shelli wasn’t sure but after returning home and checking the picture we saw that the url was absolutely Reece’s Rainbow. I truly believe that God gave me the answer I was searching for.   Meet this sweet little girl who you can help bring home!

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